Love is Essentiel


As far as I can remember, Essentiel has always been one of my favorite brands. When I was 14 years old, my mother bought me an amazing green cardigan. A bit grungy, a bit oversized but overall me. I wore it to death all fall and winter. The next year, I bought myself a full outfit to go to a wedding. I was the pure Essentiel style: a beaded taupe skirt, a simple tank top with lace and a corduroy pink blazer with 8 buttons. And I loved it!
Ever since my first purchases from the Belgian label, I’ve been a fan of the brand. I really see myself in the colorful collections, the amazing embroidery work and the overall easy chic silhouette.
So it came as an evidence to work there as my first real student job. I spent nearly all the money I earned buying clothes from collection. I’ve never been a really good money saver anyway…
So last week, when I met Inge Onsea, the lovely lady behing Essentiel, I was thrilled. Thrilled to meet someone so inspiring, so happy, so confident. Someone that designs clothes that make me fall in love over and over again. Because that’s the thing with Essentiel. I keep falling in love with my own wardrobe. I have this printed dress since 2008 and I still wear it and love it! Isn’t that crazy?
So here I was, in Antwerp, to be Inge Onsea. We met with fellow bloggers outside the Essentiel building before going up the stairs. We walked through the offices into her personal office. A green room filled with lovely things such as leopard statues and personal pictures. And there she was, wearing sequins by day (I was already sold! Someone that wears sequins during the day must be cool ya know!)
She welcomed us so friendly, offering us coffee and cold drinks. The whole meet and greet flew by, even though it was in Dutch, a language that I barely understand but cannot speak (by the way, I am looking for good Dutch evening classes in Brussels, any recommandations?)and I found myself laughing and shaking my head in approbation a terrific amount of time.
Inge Onsea left me speachless. She is truly inspiring. She loves what she does, she does it for the good reasons but the thing that made the most impression on me is how truly happy she is. And that was a true lesson. It is very rare to meet really happy people but it is always a good reminder to live life to the fullest and to appreciate the smallest things.
So thank you Inge, for bringing happiness to my closet and for reminding me how pretty life can be.










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